My Real Life

November 24, 2010

How the Monkeys Spent the Afternoon

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 9:31 pm

The day before Thanksgiving is always a half day of school here in northern Jersey.

No homework over the short break.

Just four and a half days of play time.

So, when the monkeys and I got home, it was time to have fun.

We played some games, and then they played doctor on me, as although my cold is better, I’ve still got the Demi Moore voice thing going on.

The prescription they gave me, after the “check-up” was to take some “Old People Tylenol.”

Hmmm…old people Tylenol, huh?

Thanks, guys.

Anyway, then they decided they wanted to go outside.

So, they went out and started to “rake.”

Then, they decided to play on the deck.

And, oh boy, did they play.

They took every single outside toy they had and set up a pirate ship.

They called their ship:

In case you can’t read that…it’s “The Pirates Booty.”

Oh, Lord.

They set up stations for attacking the enemy and came up with an entire backstory for who they were and where they were sailing and why.

They played out there for hours.

Most importantly, they played nicely together for hours.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow might bring.

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