My Real Life

October 24, 2010

Holding Children

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 10:38 am

I’m very hands-on with my babies.

Hugs, kisses, lap-sitting, snuggling.

It’s 24-7 in our home.

I know not everyone is completely comfortable with all the touchy-feely stuff, and truth be told, with adults, I’m not either.

However, I can’t hold a baby, any baby, without planting a kiss on the top of their head.

I can’t see my neices and nephews without wanting to give them big squeezy hugs.

Sometimes I refrain, because I know they aren’t all comfortable with it, but with my monkeys, it’s squeezy time.

The reason is two-fold.

I think children should always know they are loved, and words aren’t enough when a kid is little.

Children need physical affection.

A hug can go a long way to soothe a bad day, a hurt knee, or a hurt feeling.

Kids are tactile by nature.

They touch everything.  It’s how they explore.

And so, holding them helps them know that they are important and special and loved.

Think about why they have volunteers in the NICU to rock the babies.

It helps them heal and grow.

But, the other side is that I find it very soothing, for myself, to snuggle with my monkeys.

If I’ve had a bad day, or a hurt knee, or a hurt feeling, a minute of snuggling up Baby Monkey does wonders.

A hug from Monkey in the Middle can soothe a raging headache.

A little squeeze from Monkey Girl can make the longest day worthwhile.

So, I’m going to go now, because there is a little monkey next to me just dying for a cuddle.

I suggest you do the same.

It’ll do wonders for you and them!


  1. A snuggle with my kids, a quick hug from my hubby or just a smile from my new baby will fix any ailment. It’s amazing how a small touch that comes from love can do!

    Comment by nuisance26 — October 30, 2010 @ 3:15 pm | Reply

  2. I ask Anna sometimes, “Do you think Mama kisses you too much?” and she says “Um. Yes.” Well, too bad, kid. I returned from 3 days away this afternoon and just sat next to her on the couch taking her all in, stroking her curls. My husband said “Anna, tell your mom to stop getting all weird and come outside to play.” He was joking, but he’s also from a hands-off family, where I’m from a butt-pinching, spontaneous hugging one. (I like mine better)

    Comment by Suburban Snapshots — November 5, 2010 @ 8:39 pm | Reply

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