My Real Life

November 9, 2009

Real Monkeys

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:38 am
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So, the monkeys and I had no school last Thursday and Friday.  Real Man decided to take the days off, as well, and so we packed everyone up and headed down to Washington, DC.

Real Man’s aunt and uncle, who live in Maryland, were gracious enough to invite us to stay with them.  More about them later.

We left Thursday morning and headed right to the National Zoo.

Most of the pictures I have of the monkeys are of their backs.

DC 002

DC 003

They love the zoo and were running to see what they could see.

DC 004

Unfortunately, this sign sums up much of our trip.  A zoo in November isn’t exactly brimming with activity.  The African part of the zoo with the Big Cats and Elephants was closed for renovation, and the Pandas were nowhere to be seen.

There was one, rogue elephant, though.  Look how cute he is while eating.

DC 007

I’ve got a soft spot in my heart for elephants.  I realize how massive they are, but I find them adorable and lovable.  Real Man and I saw a documentary once on National Geographic, where this baby elephant was stuck in the mud, and all of the other elephants came over and worked as a team to get the baby out, and they never, never left his side.  It was really something to see, and has left me with an admiration for elephants.

DC 008

Isn’t he the cutest little runner you’ve ever seen? 

There was one cheetah out, but he was hiding in a cave.  Even more interesting than the actual cheetah, though, was this image.

DC 001

May be hard to see, but it is a Cheetos package in the Cheetah enclosure.  Yes, the littering is tragic, but the irony is hysterical.

Couldn’t resist this picture.  The monkeys with the monkeys.

DC 009

You understand.  I know you do.

DC 011

I had to take this picture of the porcupine, even though he wasn’t really obliging.  This picture is gratuitously for my friends, Tara and Scott, as I had a dream we had to save the school from a poisonous porcupine the other night.  It was something else.

DC 012

My small mammals loved the small mammal house, although, the most exciting part of the trip, and the one that I’m sure will be the story to tell around the dinner table for decades to come was our visit to the Ape House. 

First, there was this guy.

DC 013

Forgive the fuzziness…for obvious reasons, I was on the other side of the glass.

So, seems normal.  He’s eating some leaves. 

Then, he gets bored with the yummy foliage and sets his sights on a nearby paper bag.

DC 015

This was the funniest thing my monkeys had ever seen.

Until we walked over to the orangutans.

DC 016

“What’s he doing” you ask?

Oh, he’s eating his own vomit.

Yes, that’s right.  Four times, he vomited, then scooped it up with his index finger and ate it all. 

You can clearly see Baby Monkey pressed against the glass.  He couldn’t get enough of this.  He thought it was the coolest thing ever.  So did the big monkeys.  It’s the first thing they tell anyone who asks about the trip.  Lovely.

I liked the crocodiles.

DC 019

This guy and I had a connection. 

Seriously.  We locked eyes through the glass and decided we were meant to be. 

He decided to show off for me and show me his bright, shiny teeth.

DC 018

After that, I promised to never buy shoes or purses made from any of his friends or family.

Baby Monkey felt the connection, too.

DC 020

I couldn’t get him to move from that spot for about 10 minutes.

The monkeys were also enamored of the reptile house.

Me?  Not so much.

I don’t do snakes.  I seriously don’t.

And, these snakes?  The creepiest things I’ve ever seen. 

DC 022

They are called glass something or others.  Who cares?  They are the creepiest, most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. 

It started to rain, and we took cover in the barn at the Children’s Farm, which was good, because when we told Baby Monkey that we were going to the zoo, all he wanted to see was a cow.  So, meet the cow.

DC 023

She wasn’t very interested in us.  Just wanted to show us her “good side.”

After that, we had pretty much seen everything there was to see and it was getting colder and the rain kept coming, so we headed out.

All in all…we had a great time.  Any adventure with the monkeys is great fun. 

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about our museum adventures.

November 5, 2009

Next Contest

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:39 am
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I’ll be taking a blogging break until Sunday, but in the meantime, I’m going to run another contest here at My Real Life.

In order to enter, please leave a comment below telling me about your favorite book and tell me why you love it.  I’ve been slowly making my way through my book pile, and soon will be in need of some new titles.  It’s okay if I’ve already read your suggestion, because it could inspire someone else!

You can earn multiple entries by referring a friend to the blog and having them enter the contest, as well.  All they need to do is leave a comment with their favorite book, and mentioning that you sent them to the blog.  Then, both your friend and you will get an entry into the contest.

You can also earn an extra entry if you are a blogger and you add me to your blogroll.  In your entry, add a link to your blog.  This option for bloggers who are newly adding me to their blogroll. 

I’ll determine the winner by writing each persons name on a scrap of paper (multiple entries from referrals will have multiple scraps of paper with their names on it) and then selecting a name at random.

Remember, your privacy is intact, as all readers will see is your first name.  Your contact information is solely available to me.

The prize, you ask?

A $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Card!  What else could I give as a prize for a contest surrounding book titles?

So, while I’m on break, feel free to scroll back through and read the blog from the beginning if you’ve joined us late, refer a friend, enter the contest and enjoy your life!  I really do appreciate every single one of you who read the blog.

Contest Ends at 8:00 pm on Sunday November 8, 2009

November 4, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 7:11 am
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Most of the time, I teach my piano students.  Yet, sometimes, they have something to teach me. 

One of my new students had taught herself to play a few compositions by watching You Tube.  I was impressed, but I’m a big believer in learning how to read music if you are going to play the piano.  Then, you can play anything.

So, I went and found the sheet music for her pieces, and then continued to look through and find some compositions.

I came across this particular piece of music and I fell in love with it.  It’s a composition called “River Flow in You.”  It’s by a composer/pianist named Yiruma.  I think the reason I like it so much is because it is sad and happy, all at the same time.  It appears happy on the surface, but if you listen closely and really pay attention, you realize that there is also a certain sadness to the piece.  Not everyone will pick up on it.  Kind of like a person who walks around with a happy face for the world to see, but inside, is feeling despair.

It’s not my usual fare.  I’m a lover of accidentals and minor keys.  I like music that is unpredictable and that makes you gasp from the surprises it holds.  But this one held me.

So, if you have 3 minutes and 58 seconds, give it a listen.  I’d record myself playing it for you,  but I just got the music and it’s not quite “performance ready” yet. 🙂



November 3, 2009

Home Depot is Boring

We’re redoing our “master bathroom.” 

I put “master bathroom” in quotes because it isn’t the bathroom off of the master bedroom, but instead, it’s attached to Monkey Girl’s room because we switched everyone’s bedrooms around last year.

Long story.

Anyway, this past weekend, we all piled in the car and headed for the Home Depot to pick out the tub, toilet, sink and accessories.

Now, I think stores like Home Depot and Lowes are awesome.  So much to see…so much to do.

As we pull into the parking lot, we hear a three year old call out from the backseat, “Home Depot is boring!”


I thought I must have heard that wrong, so I said, “What did you say, sweetie?”

Baby Monkey said, again, “Home Depot is boring.”

Boring is his new favorite word. 

Dinner is boring.  School is boring.  Blue’s Clues is boring.  Football is boring.  Sitting on the potty is boring.  Mommy is boring.  Yes, that’s right.  He said Mommy was boring.

He’s three.  I’ll forgive him.

However, this time, I wish he had been right.

So, we go into Home Depot and head for the bathroom accoutrements.  (Funny…when you speak French, talking about anything sounds sophisticated, even if you really just mean a toilet paper holder.)

The kids were instantly magnetized toward something sitting in the aisle. 

Was it a toy?  A cool plaything?  A rolling cart?  A ladder?


HomeDepot 006

Yes, my children were drawn to the toilet.

The irony is that Baby Monkey was the most attracted to the porcelain throne, however, he refuses to even consider getting potty trained.  Tragic irony.

So, the kids are playing with the toilet (I can’t believe I just wrote those words) and Real Man and I are looking at everything, taking notes on upc numbers and prices.

Suddenly, there is this bloodcurdling scream.  We freeze and look around, because we just know it’s one of the monkeys.

Monkey in the Middle comes running up to us, holding his right hand in his left, yelling, “I’m bleeding!  I’m bleeding!”

We race to him and Real Man pries his hand open and sees that, yes, in fact he is bleeding, however, he hasn’t lost a finger.  He’s just bleeding a tiny bit.  Seriously…a teeny, tiny bit.

However, the tears are tantamount to someone who has to be rushed to the ER because a cast iron tub just fell off of the top shelf, directly onto their head.

So, he’s screaming that he must have a band-aid NOW, and I’m trying to explain that I don’t have a band-aid.  I look over my shoulder and see Baby Monkey and Monkey Girl, completely oblivious to what is going on with Monkey in the Middle, taking turns sitting on the toilet in the aisle.  Their empathy for his plight was overwhelming.

I pull out a tissue from my purse, and Real Man wraps it around Monkey in the Middle’s finger, who is continuing to cry like nobody’s business.  I pick him up, in the hopes that he can muffle the cries in my hair, because we aren’t done yet and I’m not leaving until we get all the info we need so we can order this “stuff” because I want that bathroom done, stat.  Also, he wasn’t actually really hurt.  He scraped his finger on some cardboard.  Drama queen much, Monkey in the Middle?

We finally get all the info we need, but I realize I forgot to record the numbers on the first two items on our list, so I put Monkey in the Middle down and start walking back to the other aisle and I suddenly hear Real Man say, “Really?  Right now?” and then he rushes off, scooping Monkey in the Middle along with him.

I look over my shoulder at Baby Monkey and Monkey Girl who are now singing and dancing in the aisle and say, “What’s that about?”  They stop long enough to shrug their shoulders, and then continue with their Home Depot merriment.

I don’t see Real Man and Monkey in the Middle anywhere, so I take the other two and go get those numbers.  They come back and I ask what happened, and it turned out that Monkey in the Middle had to throw up.  (He’s not sick…this is actually a recurring problem that has been going on for almost two years now…for a while, he threw up every single day.  He’s honestly not sick…he’s been tested out the wazoo.  However, I’m convinced it has something to do with mucus drainage because he does it more often when he has a cold or when he cries a lot, so I guess I should have expected it.)

But I digress.

Real Man couldn’t find a bathroom quickly enough, so he found a garbage can instead.  I guess we were lucky that Monkey in the Middle actually told Real Man and didn’t just avail himself of the toilet in the aisle.

At that point, I said, “Let’s go” and no one was arguing.

As we walked into the parking lot, Baby Monkey turned to me and said, “See?  Home Depot is boring.”

Nothing is ever boring with these monkeys.

November 2, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 6:55 am
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Last Halloween post…I swear.

I was an only child. So, technically, all of the candy that I brought home for Halloween belonged to me.

Notice the use of the word “technically.”

See, I grew up in the seventies and eighties, and those of you who were kids when I was remember the years with the poison candy and razor blades in apples scares.

My friend, Gail, and I would walk the entire neighborhood (which was pretty extensive if you were willing to make the hike) for hours and come home with more candy than you can imagine. We’d be so excited, figuring out what we’d eat first and then next, etc.

However, I’d come home from trick or treating and my Dad would say, “You know, I better check out that candy. It might be dangerous.”

 He’d eat a piece.

“Yep…that one was safe. I better check another.”

And so it went.

Real Man is the youngest of four, so even though his Dad wasn’t eating his candy, you can bet that if it wasn’t carefully guarded, his sibling’s candy bags got fatter while his grew thinner.

So, Real Man and I have a rule around here that we never break.

 We. Don’t. Eat. The. Monkey’s. Candy.

 They are such generous little monkeys, though, and they always offer to share. We turn them down.

However, we do encourage them to share and trade with each other. This year, in particular, there was quite a bit of trading to be done, as Baby Monkey is allergic to peanuts.

Here is Baby Monkey’s haul.

HomeDepot 004

We separated out the peanut/tree nut containing candy. Then, his brother and sister looked through their bags and found things that they knew he liked and traded for the peanut/nut laden candy. Monkey Girl took care of the Butterfingers and Monkey in the Middle traded for all the Snickers. So, Baby Monkey is left with a peanut free candy bag full of candy.

This candy will stick around for a long time.   My monkeys aren’t huge candy eaters.  They’ll want the candy every day, for awhile, and then soon, they’ll forget about it and start eating oranges and bananas again for dessert.  However, even if they want the candy, it lasts.  Here’s why.

We’ve got some candy rules in our house that would probably make most kids run for the hills, but it’s what the monkeys have grown up with, so they really don’t know any better at this point. They can have one piece of candy for dessert each night. You get a good year for trick or treating, and I don’t have to provide dessert until April!

Say what you will, but it keeps the dentist from having to fill cavities and it keeps the monkeys from turning into sugar addicted crazies.

For now.

November 1, 2009

And just like that…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy @ 8:52 am
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…Halloween is over.

That’s the only problem with holidays.  There’s so much build-up, and then it just ends.  I guess there really isn’t any way to ease your way out of a holiday, but still.

So, the rain started about fifteen minutes before the town parade and we made the decision to skip it.  We drove the kids to my parents, and then to Real Man’s father’s house, then came home and had some dinner. 

High school friends of ours who live in town and recently got married (Hi Pete and Jen!) had an Open House and so we went over there.  It was really pouring, but they had a tent covering their deck and the kids played in the basement.  We had a great time catching up with people and chatting, and then around 8:30, we came home and Real Man took Monkey Girl and Baby Monkey trick or treating.  Monkey in the Middle decided he wanted to stay home and snuggle with me.  In his words, “I have enough candy.”  Love that kid!

Apparently, there weren’t many trick or treaters in our neighborhood, because as they rang only a few doorbells, everyone just dumped loads of candy into their bags, saying “I need to get rid of this candy…take more!”  So, they came back loaded down with candy and completely ready for bed.

Real Man and I put the kids to bed, and fell fast asleep ourselves.  We set the clocks and thought, “Whoopee!  We get an extra hour of sleep!”


Kids decided to go ahead and get up at 5:30 anyway. 

So, the task for today is to figure out a way to get rid of a gajillion Reeses Peanut Butter cups and Milky Way bars.  Because we only had 3 trick or treaters all night. 

Time to prepare for Thanksgiving!

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